Real Name: | Tiffany Southwick |
Homepage / Blog: | |
Most Recently Album Purchased: | kelly clarkson |
Present Occupantion: | Unemployed |
Dream Frequency: | Two or three times a week |
Time Spent Online: | 1-2 hours |
How to Recover from a bad dream: | - |
Found this site: | Trade Show |
About the dreamer: | | | i am a out going person. i love the outdoors and spending time with my daught and husband. i love summer. |
Dreams Posted:
Total Dreams: 2
Dream #303 (Type: my old high school)
i had a dream about my high school that i went to. i was standing there talking to my husband. i looked around me and my school was floating some of t...
0 Replies (Posted: 6/21/2008) |
Dream #297 (Type: my unborn baby)
k this dream happened way before my daughter was born. so here it is... i had walked in to my mother in laws house to pick up my daughter. I was talki...
0 Replies (Posted: 6/10/2008) |
All dreams by Starlet |
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