Dreamer: Ashley
What did you feel / taste in your dream: I felt me and my boyfriend get back together and we had sexual intimacy in the dream as well and they both felt so real.
Dreamer: someone
What did you feel / taste in your dream: Remember something I've never experienced? Sounds challenging. I usually bite the base of my thumb as a test to see if I'm dreaming. I can feel the pressure, but the pain much duller than it should be if I were awake. Not that I can't feel pain in dreams. One time I was trying to hold some hot coals (just to see if I could, I was aware they didn't really exist). It was almost completely unbearable. I imagine it was about what I'd experience in reality if I tried it, except in reality I'd end up with causing damage to myself (I didn't get burnt in the dream), which would make it even more painful. As for taste, the only thing I can remember tasting in a dream that I haven't tasted in reality was semen. It did have a slight taste, but I can't really compare it to anything. What really stood out was the texture. I don't have the nerve to taste it in reality. I guess I'm just a wimpy pervert.
Dreamer: leslie
What did you feel / taste in your dream: the only scientific explanation for dreams to feel and be so real is that the subconscious brings the dreams into the conscious mind, making it seem more real than we had thought, hence the taste smells aches and pains, funny though how we can dream the most unrealistic dreams ever "thought" of...
Dreamer: michelle
What did you feel / taste in your dream: MY FIRST KISS.
Dreamer: Michelle
What did you feel / taste in your dream: my first kiss
Dreamer: Aariq
What did you feel / taste in your dream: yes, once I had a freaky dream where someone peeled back the skin of their thumb to reveal crab meat and already chewed gum. They then shoved this into my mouth. It tasted like a bedsheet, and I woke up chewing on my sheet.
Dreamer: christine
What did you feel / taste in your dream: ( sorry, but I'm just going to ...stray off the actual q. here!) I think in dreams, that things feel so real, and ' are there' b/c when you sleep, now, your imagination is unfettered by "real" life to take your mind to places you can only imagine. In waking reality however, you may not even know that you are capable of such potential to imagine. This is also why dreams can help you realize your full potential. Think what could happen in the world today, if people realized their full potential, and what power they could wield. ( makes you wonder about wether or not the next Gandi is coming around the bend... or John Lennon, *insert charasmatic individual!*) But anyways, you know how everything in dreams can feel so REAL? It's because your mind makes them real, to you. It's why some people like to say that, if you die in your dream, then you've died. Really, perhaps your mind makes your body BELIEVE that you've died- ~ this is seriously cool stuff
Dreamer: cat
What did you feel / taste in your dream: it's your mind rembering what these experences are like. And telling you thats what is going on.
Dreamer: Danny
What did you feel / taste in your dream: I haven't tasted anything in a dream that I haven't tasted in reality, but it was very weird to actually taste the pizza in a dream. I was hungry before I went to sleep that night, and hungry when I awoken. Does this connect somehow?
Dreamer: Danny
What did you feel / taste in your dream: I haven't tasted anything in a dream that I haven't tasted in reality, but it was very weird to actually taste the pizza in a dream. I was hungry before I went to sleep that night, and hungry when I awoken. Does this connect somehow?
Dreamer: Nathan Shannon
What did you feel / taste in your dream: I think your assuming that dreams are just constructed of memories, spliced to form the dream, in which case it would be unlikely to taste/feel things you havent experienced before, unless it was a result of synaesthesia, or perhaps the tastes/feelings could be based on schema. Who knows? These are just suggestions. However given that we are capable of experiencing things before we actualy experience things (i.e. as babies we have eyes but cant necissarily use them to their full extent, but nevertheless we have the capability to see), when you dream chemical/neurological reactions could cause you to perceive things, which you might not have experienced before (i.e. taste a fruit which is entirely subject to your imagination or some other such hoo ha). Anyways hope this helps.
Dreamer: Sammy Sam Sam III
What did you feel / taste in your dream: Silly question, why is it that people insist on using their sense of taste I mean smell to define the palatability of a given food item. Eh. Riddle me this Rachel people express taste based on the aroma of the given object, so if shit really smells like shit will it also taste like shit? I bet you think it does taste like shit.. But you are quite wrong my naive little Rachel in fact I find shit to be quite a delachisy sp (Tasty, strumpets, delectable, mmm. mmmm. good) Im hip to all kinds of shit (human of coarse.we are in fact civilized) . So far I must admit that the herbivores digest better than the carnivores, and the omnivores however really hit the sweet taste buds and produce a bulky firm stool. I guess resulting from large amounts of fiber. What Im really trying to say is that I glad I had a chance to say it, and if you feel that a reply would be warranted I would really enjoy looking at it, or not looking at it
Dreamer: Shanell
What did you feel / taste in your dream: different things, but resently i had a dream about soul food for some reason.
Dreamer: Nacho
What did you feel / taste in your dream: Cheese... salsa
Dreamer: Ryan Chimney
What did you feel / taste in your dream: The sweet sweet taste of donuts is very common but the way it tastes is unlike the real thing...