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  DREAMS - Dreams posted by just me (Total 3)

 Dream #279 (New Ren Fair/guy/cousin)
The dream started out and I was dressed in modern day clothes at my current age of 30. I was at a new Ren fair which basically consisted of a Renaissance fair that had all the normal things that they...
Posted: 3/14/2008

 Dream #270 (Field with baby crying)
A few years ago I had this dream. I was in a field or well clearing that was in the middle of this ring of trees. The total clearing was probably about ten feet in diameter. The trees were like rea...
Posted: 3/6/2008

 Dream #269 (Baffling)
It started out I was in the Carolina's at the beach hanging out with people that I would assume were my friends eventhough I did not recognize any of them. This guy who was rather good looking walked...
Posted: 3/6/2008

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