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  Dream Number: #403
Dream Type: My dog Tai Tai's story
Date Posted: 2/2/2010

4everluvtaitai from Portervile remembers this:

We recently put our beloved dog down a day ago due to cancer. My boyfriend Mark & I met 8 years ago. After about 5 months of dating we decided to purchase a dog together. Mark decided that he wanted an American Bulldog & since I love big dogs I agreed. We got Tai Tai from a Family of breeders locally & I chose him. He was the least aggressive dog of the liter. When I first saw Tai Tai I knew he wa the perfect dog for us. He was quiet & had beautiful brown & black spots on him. Two things stuck out to me when I chose Tai, his timidness & his large gorgeous three leaf clover on his back. He also had one brown patch over his eye. He was just the cutest looking puppy I had ever seen. Tai Tai was a huge part of our live throughout the years. He traveled many places w/ the both of us & he also competed in Natinal Dog Pulling Contests throughout the state. He was once the strongest dog in the State for pulling 2,503 lbs. Until one day Mark traveled to Las Vegas w/Mark & when it came time to pull Tai refused to pull & just sat there. Mark then said Tai Tai just retired LOl!!!

We recently took Tai Tai to Portverville where my family lives to live w/my little sister & boyfriend. He would have a big house to live in & a huge backyard to run & place w/her other two dogs. He had a large doggy door that he learned to use. Mark & I decided to send Tai Tai up North because we didnt have a yard or a big home where he could roam & be comfy. He needed a big yard & in Porterville he had this. He lived there for 1 year & 3 months before my sister called last week & said that his breathing sounded strange. We decided to have him sent to the Vet & they did some blood work & an Ultra sound where they detected fluid in his chest cavity & a large mass in his chest. After this Mark & I decided to take Tai Tai to a well known animal hospital in Tustin Ca, called VCA. THe oncologist & surgeon at VCA completed a CT Scan where they detected Tai Tai had a very large tumor in his chest that was causing approximately 65% of preasure to his major organs & was only allowing him about 35% of good breathing thru his airway. The surgeon advised surgery was not an option based on the fact that this tumor was causing fluid infection that was calcifying Tais bones so if they even removed all of this tumor his bones were so brittle that his lungs could collapse & he would die. They offered Chemo treatment which we opted not to do because we did not want him to live a life that was not what he deserved & was not good quality. The Dr's gave Tai Tai about 1 to 2 weeks to live even maybe 1 month to 2 months. So we took him home w/ us & kept him on his antibiotics & pain medication. Tai Tai had happy days but the nights were very hard for him. The tumor in his chest was causing so much preasure that when he tried to lay down he couldn't get comfortable so he would try to fall asleep standing up or sitting down. So we began to give him more pain meds so he woud relax & lay down to sleep. We did this for a couple of days before his nights started to get worse. His breathing was short & shallow & he looked so miserable. Mark & I came to the conclusion that we didnt want him to suffer anymore & decided to put him down. Yesterday we put him down & it was the hardest thing we ever did in our lives.

The same day we put Tai Tai down, I dreamt about him that night, last night. In my dream I am not sure how or why but we gave Tai Tai to another family after we tried to take care of him as best as we could w/ his illness. I remember going back to the Vet & the Vet Tech told me that the family we gave him to came in to seet he Dr & the Dr. told them not to give Tai anymore medication, that he was doing good & didnt need anymore meds. Then I remember drivign in a car w/ a bunch of girls & we stopped to get gas & there was this large long trailer that is used to haul things on & Tai Tai was on top of it. I walked over to him & he ran up to me very happy & breathing hard from running. The lady we gave him to said "He's eating good, he's fine. Dr said no more medication". At that point Tai ran to the other side of trailer & was playing w/ toys & was breathing so normal & looked so happy. He was breathing hard from running. He looked so very happy. Then my dream was over. I don't know what this supposed to mean. Putting Tai Tai down was so hard on me & dreaming about him felt like God gave me a gift of being able to see him again. See him able to run and play & eat & drink water. All the things he wasnt doing after being sick. IT meant so much to me to see him again & see him happy. I just am not sure what this is supposed to mean.I apologize for the lengthy story but I just wanted you to know how much he is/was loved by so many people. He was my best friend & he listened so well. He never could harm a soul, not even a cat. He was a big gentle giant. He was my best friend that I will always love and miss w/ all my heart. Thank you for taking the time to read my story about his life.

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