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  Dream Number: #25
Dream Type: Children/babies -odd
Date Posted: 9/22/2005

Sunsets from Austin remembers this:

This is from several weeks ago so I might not get every detail. A significant old girlfriend of my partner whom I have befriended recently had a child. It was a boy. In this dream she had a little girl who was older - maybe 3-4. The child's name was Crystal and she was blind. This woman had come to visit me while her husband was visiting his mother at a cabin by a lake in a nearby town. My spouse-like boyfriend was not in this dream. I lived in a house that had strange little rooms in it and it was all made of cedar like a deck. We didn't go inside but sat out on the real deck that was between the two halves of the house. It was sort of twighlightish. She stayed for longer than she thought she would and then thought she had to get something for dinner to take home to her husband. She asked for some oddball ingredients that I would not normally have on hand so we had to go to the store. By this time it was very late, as in much too late for dinner and too late for her to bring anything home, I suggested she get something already prepared if she felt she still needed something. I don't remember any more, whether it be from time passing or from not remembering the dream. This part is not a dream - I later found out that I was indeed pregnant and I am really too old for that (45) I miscarried on the night her son was born (Sept 11th). I have wanted to tell her but don't know how she would react. Her son was a fussy child for about 9 months. I always felt he was a reincarnated person from 911 who was still frightened. I have thought that maybe the child I carried was just not ready to come back so was expelled on 911. What do you think about the dream and the reality?

Replies from the dreamer:

No one replied. :-(
(Added: 3/9/2006)

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