Gaby from Rio Grande City remembers this:
I had a dream that my boyfriend did not want to be with me anymore. What does this mean?
Responses from the Dreamers
Return within 24-48 hours to read our Dream Theory. Your dreams are crazy but they matter to us.
Give us time and we will get back to you as soon as humanly possible. Thanks.
Responses from Guests
From: Justine
I had this same dream. I woke up crying. What does this mean? I would love to know also.
(Added: 8/6/2006)
From: Christina
Are you and your boyfriend getting in fights or anything like that lately?? If you are the dream could be symbolzing what is happening to your relationship and that their is trouble in the horizon. If you guys aren't fighting or anything like that then your dream is just a dream and probably doesnt mean anything.
(Added: 10/11/2006)
From: Dr.Lopez
Dear Confused..
I have been studying these sort of dreams for years. This dream that you had is telling you to GET OUT of the relationship, he is not the one for you. Your hoping that you two can break up and still be friends. There is a much better male out there for you that will assist your needs.
(Added: 10/11/2006)