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  Dream Number: #143
Dream Type: Was I an Ant or What?
Date Posted: 10/23/2006

cloggeedthedrain from Laguna Niguel remembers this:

I have had a particular dream ever since I was very young boy, the dream is about having to move a huge pile of sand (one grain at a time) from one room to another room down a long hallway.

Responses from the Dreamers

From: jonelyn

Do you remember what type of room you were moving the sand from and what type of room you were moving sand to? Like living room to bedroom, or kitchen to laundry room etc? Different types of rooms in a house can represent different things. The long hallway possibly reflects the passing of a long period of time---

(Added: 12/14/2006)


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Responses from Guests

From: Diana

about ur dream..i have a feelin that it jus means that u have something that u are trying to acheieve since u were young.. like maybe becoming something or do something that u always want to do.. and its building up slowly..and it takes time.. till u have done it (and the sand would be moved completely) then u have acheived that goal...thats wat i think

(Added: 11/24/2006)

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