Dreamer: David
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: light skineed ,braids

Dreamer: ana25
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: she was an old lady and i was in a indian musem and i stumbeled opon aindian ground and i saw an old indian lady she was talking to me but nothing was coming out of her mouth but it was going into my mind and i didn't talk either and she told me that people are distroying are planit and she showed me a pond that she used to play in when she was little and there was a pice of trash and then she said that just beacuse it's one pice of trash doesn't mean it's never going to go away i felt safe with her but i have never seen her. I am actually only 10 years old and a girl i am not preteding the dream fealt so real.

Dreamer: ana25
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: it was an old indian woman and she couldn;t talk ,but i new what she was saying and i felt safe with her she was white and a littled rinceled.

Dreamer: Lovetta orick
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like:

Dreamer: sktbrdingfreak
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: Yes, same girl keeps showing up in my dreams, never seen her but could draw her almost exactly.

Dreamer: lola
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: Well,we acually was going out because of my friend genger.any way he had dark brown braids and was tall he looked like chris brown but even better and i wouldnt even say that about chris because hes my baby.

Dreamer: shella
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: tall, long brownish hair with brown hair and natural highlights. brown eyes. tan

Dreamer: tanisha
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: light brown eyes, light skin, wavehair, nice body, pretty teeth, nice smile,hight 5'7, and dress code gangsta

Dreamer: NINA :)
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: A Rock or hippie guy with a long dark brown hair and blue or green eyes ...and with some peace of brain :P

Dreamer: ed
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: Just happened for the first time last week. He seemed to appear out of a mist . He was a short black guy with very round and elliptical features. He told me "forget about the outside world." (note- a couple days before my ex girlfriend asked "why don't you look outside instead of inside- I agreed with her) - anyway I knew he was a holy man of some sort. I looked into eyes and thru his eyes a light was projecting out the back of his head like a movie projector and I felt I was looking at my inside world and felt it was quite important to be focusing on that

Dreamer: ed
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: Just happened for the first time last week.

Dreamer: ~~StAr~~
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: some bald guy... realy pale, kinda scary. Another dude i met who i saw a couple of nights in a row ,was tall with blonde hair

Dreamer: byekitty
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: I once dreamnt about a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and proceeded to meet him the following day. That was weird. I think that people you meet in your dreams are people you are going to know, have known, do know or have known in a past life.

Dreamer: shay-shay
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: bowwow

Dreamer: Aariq
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: kinda chubby, glasses, tall, parted hair.

Dreamer: Shelly
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: He had long hair. I often dream about men with long hair because there are a lot of those in my life. But in my dreams, these guys aren't the guys I know in reality. They're completely different, and they look very distinct. But they're always thin, with long dark hair, and they aren't always friendly.

Dreamer: sheerflawless
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: I've dreamt many times of people, sometimes more than one and I'm always aware of their presences, but I don't remember that I already know them, without knowing I do, until I meet them, -(his/her) face in actuality.

Dreamer: junior
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: bout 5'2, slim, brown long straight hair, light complected but was hispanic and was part of an r&b group

Dreamer: keish
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: celine deon

Dreamer: Shanell
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: Latly ive been dreaming about bowwow maybe because i really like him!!!!!!!!!!

Dreamer: veronica
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: black spikey hair brwon eyes around age 13 balck jeans and a shirt with a band name i was in love with him

Dreamer: Tami
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: medium height(a couple inches taller than me) and a nice body. Brown hair(buzz cut), and he was wearing a black t-shirt that said "Fields of the Nephilim" across the front with a picture of the band on the back, jeans, and black sneakers

Dreamer: kristine
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like:

Dreamer: jane
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: dark hair tall latino brown eyes

Dreamer: DaNa
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: he was a handsom tall man in his 20s. he had white skin and black eyes and hair. we knew each other in the dream. i had this dream before probably 4-5 years.

Dreamer: Donna
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: auburn hair - 11 years old neglected appearance

Dreamer: pooneh
The Person's Gender: Unclear
What did the person look like: very light

Dreamer: lillian
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: dark shaggy hair, dark brown eyes, nice features

Dreamer: Kamelia
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: black hair; black eyes

Dreamer: lizziy
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: This person had light brown hair and a shade of grey eyes. and what was weird is that I never met this person and there face was so different shaped I could tell it anywhere.. and then a little bit after my mom intoduced me to her boss who looked just like the girl in my dream

Dreamer: Katherine
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: This happens to me all of the time. I don't usually dream about people that I know. In half of my dreams, I'm not even myself. I'm a 27 yr old white woman in PHilly and I've had dreams where I'm a 8 yr old black boy in the South right after the civil war.

Dreamer: anna
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like:

Dreamer: Sarah
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: he was about 40ish, he had short brown spiky hair. i have never seen him before, but he seemed to know me. he had a very nice smile.

Dreamer: peter
The Person's Gender: Girl
What did the person look like: naked sexy with me

Dreamer: Donna Petit
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: He was a Black man with dark skin and a round face and was tall and medium build

Dreamer: aziz
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: he Italiano his hair is yellow

Dreamer: britt
The Person's Gender: Guy
What did the person look like: it looked alot my boyfriend now. but it was before him and i ever met. and we were in the same car and everything

Dreamer: Ryan Chimney
The Person's Gender: Unclear
What did the person look like: Keep seeing strangers that look like someone i know... usually the people are evil in the dream too.
