Theresa from remembers this:
In my reoccurring dreams, I am always about to miss my plane! But I never see the end of my dream, wake up before that, so I never know if I really missed my plane or not! This is the main set and the rest of the dream is slightly different, every time. In one dream, I can not close my suitcase, so I'm worried that I'm gonna miss my plane. In the other one, the taxi wouldn't show up, so I'm worried I'm gonna miss the plane, or I'm lost in the city ..., etc. In real life I never missed my plane or train though! I think a lot, and worry a lot, maybe?
Responses from the Dreamers
From: gggggg
interpretation just seen in www.dreamdiery.it ;-)
(Added: 9/24/2011)
From: gggggg
sorry diaryofdreams.it
(Added: 9/24/2011)