fatema from remembers this:
i saw dat thre is diseaster in a country, some evil things are detraking people aand God has given me the power aand i become hide from dat evil thing. then i started to pic the people and drop them to different countries where they want, i took them on my shoulder aand drop them where they want. wen my family turn comes i took them on my shoulder and drop them in a country where i myself shake hand aand there becomes a buliding then my aunt asked me , fatema, thre are snakes in mud so pls kill them then i forward my finger towards mud aand all snakes killed. dat evil thing want to harm me but i become successful to hide myself from dat. this was my dream
Responses from the Dreamers
From: jonelyn
Hi fatema,
This dream is actually a very neat dream---it shows that you have spiritual strength/power from God to help a wide spectrum of people. You killing the snakes shows you killing lies that threaten to harm people...
(Added: 12/14/2006)
Responses from Guests
From: Connor
(Added: 10/11/2006)